woshiyiduoyun's thoughts

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Adventures of Mr J Part 2

Mr J has been tasked with running some chores for the family. His dad asked him to buy some rice, and it has to be of a certain brand some more.

So Mr J went to the neighbuorhood minimart so as to purchase what he needed.

Then the following is a sample conversation between Mr J and the Store keeper.

J: I'm looking for this XXX brand of "fan", do u sell it?

Storekeeper: "fan"?

with blur look in the face.....

(pause 5 seconds....)

Storekeeper: oh u mean "mi" ah? got got...

J: Oh yes, XXX brand mi

Storekeeper: okay u walk straight and later turn left then can find already.

(reason for confusion, "fan" = cooked rice, which u cannot find in a minimart/supermarket. "mi" is the uncooked rice that Mr J is supposed to buy. It is not Mr J's fault wor, he does not go grocery shopping so often de)

sidestory: when Mr J went home, and his mother saw the packet of rice, she started asking questions like

"where did you buy from? which shop ah?"

then she started commenting like a typical auntie that

" wah so expensive ah, last time it costs only $8++"


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