woshiyiduoyun's thoughts

Monday, March 21, 2005

Waiting for a computer terminal at Central Library

Waiting for a computer terminal at the central library is on a 1st-come-1st served basis. First one to an empty terminal, and that computer is yours to use for as long as you like, or for as long as you can for that matter. It sucks when u urgently need a terminal, and you see ppl playing online games/chatting or even doodling on their notes.
You need to possess the follwing attributes in order to get a terminal:
1: Excellent eyesight, so that you're able to spot a computer user packing up/clicking on the log off button.
2:Lightning quick reflexes, so that you're able to "chope" that empty seat before anybody does.

CHOPE:To reserve or hold something for somebody. Sometimes used in games to denote having attained a ‘safe' position."If we're not at the theatre by 8, can you chope some seats for us?" taken from talkingcock.com


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